Beyond the Score


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Using C-SEP for Dyslexia Evals - Recording


Passcode: vSXt?m4p

Note: Due to technical issues at the start of the recording, please fast-forward to the 10 minute mark of the recording.

Parent Consultations: Getting the Most from Parent Interviews - Recording


Passcode: N$+1#5BG

Resource Highlights: What’s Out There to Use for Free?


Passcode: Tn22!AfF

Resources available

Streamlining Your Assessment Process and Ensuring Compliance

Note: This session was not recorded.

The WJ V in 45: A Q and A Session

The Many Uses of the ECAD

Using the ECAD for Your Dyslexia Assessment

Date: 10-11-2024 (12-1pm CST)

Finally! Developmental Delay Eligibility in Texas!

Date: 10-16-2024 (12-1pm CST)

Stress Management & the Evaluator

Date: 10-25-2024 (12-1pm CST)

Delivering Uncomfortable News: How to Talk with Parents & Teachers

Date: 11-01-2024 (12-1pm CST)

What to Do With a DNQ?

Date: 11-08-2024 (12-1pm CST)

Report Writing: Organizing Your Data

Date: 11-15-2024 (12-1pm CST)

Let’s be Spot On with Informal Assessments in the FIE

Date: 12-05-2024 (12-1pm CST)