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C-SEP Fidelity Checklist

As with any educational methodology, success is dependent on implementing a practice with fidelity. The Core-Selective Evaluation Process (C-SEP) has been successfully implemented in school districts across Texas. As more districts and evaluators adopt and use C-SEP, fidelity to the model can become an issue if evaluators do not stay current on best practice or if they combine C-SEP with other models, thereby creating a hybrid approach that is difficult to defend. This C-SEP Fidelity Checklist is designed to help schools and individual practitioners monitor whether they are using C-SEP as designed. It follows the four Steps of C-SEP: Review; Plan; Assess; Decide. Additional considerations follow the checklist.

Review Fidelity

I have data that supports the referral and meets the Child Find questions.

The referral question is clear, if not I clarified it.

I have reviewed the student's records including:

Cumulative Folder

SPED folder if a Re-evaluation

Current Grades

Attendance (current and previous school years)

State Testing

Discipline Records

Home language survey

Nurse Screener (vision & hearing)

I have ensured that I have "data that the child has been provided with appropriate instruction in reading and/or math in the general educa1on settings” delivered by qualified personnel."

I have reviewed "Data-based documenta-on of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting formal evaluation of progress of the child during instruction, which was provided to the parent of the child."

I have organized my data (e.g., Multiple-Sources of Date Worksheet).

I have collected missing data.

I have examined exclusionary factors.

I have reviewed grade expectations to compare where student is presently functioning and established "underachievement" using actual data sources.

I have data collected from the Parent(s) or Caregiver(s).

I have data collected from Teacher(s).

Plan Fidelity

I have a focused referral question (FRQ) based on the review.

I have included other professionals if necessary.

I only select tests in suspected areas of disability.

I have selected a core set of cognitive, language, and achievement tests to measure "intellectual development."

Assess Fidelity

I administered a core set of Cogni1ve tests using the guidance provided in the test manual.

I have administered a core set of Language tests using the guidance provided in the test manual.

I have administered Achievement tests based on the guidance provided in the test manual.

I have administered Achievement tests based on the referral question.

I have analyzed the core prior to using additional "selective" tests.

I used "selective tests" thoughtfully and with purpose.

I can articulate a rational for each selective test.

I have completed a classroom observation in the area of concern.

I have completed a classroom observation in an area of strength.

I have made copious notes regarding the student’s behavior during the testing session.

I incorporate additional assessment methods when necessary.

Decide Fidelity

I have organized, sorted, and created a visual representation of data.

I am able to support or "anchor" all low scores to actual data sources.

I have fully integrated norm-referenced data with other sources of data.

I have utilized publisher guidance to interpret scores.

I have conducted task-demand analysis to deeply understand the learner.

I am able to describe the students "intellectual development" as it related to specific learning disability.

I can articulate specific areas of intellectual development that are related to area of underachievement.

I have ruled out and/or considered the contribution of exclusionary factors.

I have multiple sources of data for each component of the Legal Framework.

I have ensured I met all of the "Practice" requirements in the Legal Framework.

I have adhered to all of the Procedural Safeguards regarding evaluation.